Mermaid in MacOSX
An great tool for using Markdown to plot blockdiagram. That's see how to install and use it in the MACOS system.
Installation in MacOS
Install Mermaid
Open a terminal from your MACOS. And execute the following CMD line.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install node && npm install -g phantomjs && npm install -g mermaid
Started to Use Mermaid
edit file ma
In the terminal, you can use vim editor to add the following to the file ma.
A->> B: Query
B->> C: Forward query
Note right of C: Thinking...
C->> B: Response
B->> A: Forward response
execute mermaid
junmeinde-MacBook-Pro:~ junmein$ mermaid ma
Num files to execute : 1
ready to execute png: ma.png
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (825)] Starting rendering diagrams (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (829)] Start On Load before: undefined (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (830)] Initializing mermaidAPI (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (837)] Setting conf gantt - useWidth (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (837)] Setting config: gantt useWidth to 1200 (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (867)] Adding message from=A to=B message=Query type=0 (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (867)] Adding message from=B to=C message=Forward query type=0 (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (868)] Adding message from=C to=B message=Response type=0 (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (868)] Adding message from=B to=A message=Forward response type=0 (from line # in "")
CONSOLE: [08:12:23 (913)] For line height fix Querying: #mermaidChart0 .actor-line (from line # in "")
saved png: ma.png
You will see the ma.png
open ma.png
You will see the block diagram.
Web Demo
Here is the Web Demo.
Some more examples.
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