Normal Method
An simple way to use class in file
class tt(object):
def __init__(self):
print 'into init'
self.a = 10
def normethod(self):
print 'in normal method'
return 'L in normethod'
Adding the following lines at the end of the file, and execute it.
ttt = tt()
print ttt.normethod()
You will get this result
root@ubuntu:# python
into init
in normal method
L in normethod
So simple, you have to declaim the class as a instance, ttt = tt()
But, is There a simple way to call normethod just like a class ? just like
The result is
root@ubuntu:# python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 12, in <module>
print tt.normethod()
TypeError: unbound method normethod() must be called with tt instance as first argument (got nothing instead)
It's not working.
Same question, we now ask again is there a simpole way to call normethod just like a class ?
Yes, we can use staticmethod or classmethod. And I will show you what is the difference between them.
Now we can modify as the followed.
class tt(object):
def __init__(self):
print 'into init'
self.a = 10
def stamethod():
print 'in static'
return 'L in static'
def normethod(self):
print 'in normal method'
return 'L in normethod'
We now execute it
ttt = tt()
## it will access __init__
print ttt.normethod()
print '-------------------'
print tt.stamethod()
The result is
root@ubuntu:# python
into init
in normal method
L in normethod
in static
L in static
Yes, the result is satisfied our expectation that staticmethod can directly access the class, and no instance needed anymore.
Based on the previous used file, we add classmethod in it.
class tt(object):
def __init__(self):
print 'into init'
self.a = 10
def stamethod():
print 'in static'
return 'L in static'
def klamethod(cls):
print 'in klassmethod'
print cls
return 'L in klamethod'
def testmethod(self):
print 'in the test method'
return 'L in testmethod'
def normethod(self):
print 'in normal method'
return 'L in normethod'
In the end of this file, and execute this python file.
print tt.klamethod()
The result is
root@ubuntu:# python
in klassmethod
<class ''>
L in klamethod
Of course it is satisfied our expectation again.
But what is cls. This is the only different between staticmethod and classmethod.
difference between staticmethod and classmethod
The staticmethod is a class that one can access it as a class not a instance. The classmethod is the same with staticmethod on this point, but classmethod can access the whole class tt by using cls, that staticmethod cannot do it. Staticmethod will be isolated and cannot contact to the other class.
The is an example that how the classmethod access the tt class. The hint is cls contains cls.__name__=tt
that will help us to declaim the tt class.
class tt(object):
def __init__(self):
print 'into init'
self.a = 10
def stamethod():
print 'in static'
return 'L in static'
def klamethod(cls):
print 'in klassmethod'
ttt = cls()
print ttt.testmethod()
return 'L in klamethod'
def testmethod(self):
print 'in the test method'
return 'L in testmethod'
def normethod(self):
print 'in normal method'
return 'L in normethod'
print tt.klamethod()
Adding ttt=cls()
that is equivlent to ttt=tt()
but don't forget classmethod only have one way to connect to outside world that is cls.
The result is
root@ubuntu:~# python
in klassmethod
into init
in the test method
L in testmethod
L in klamethod
Yes, we can access testmethod in the tt class. It's perfect.
The other question is
how to access classmethod from a normal method
def normethod(self):
# how to access klamethod
print 'in normal method'
return 'L in normethod'
You can access it just like the way to access classmethod.
how to access staticmethod from a classmethod
def klamethod(cls):
print 'in klassmethod'
print cls
print 'use stamethod in klamethod'
print cls.stamethod()
In class method you can access staitcmethod without declaim ttt=cls(), but using cls.stamethod(). Just like to access a staticmethod. But you cannot get init attibute, if you don't decliam it as a instance.
How to import them and the behavior of the staticmehtod and classmethod
Adding the file, but don't forget to create the file
from cst import tt as yy
s = yy()
We don't need to explain it too much, since it's similar to our explanation before.
More About Classmethod
As mentioned before, we emphisis the tt.__name__
is quite important concept using classmethod.
class Hero:
def say_hello():
def say_class_hello(cls):
print("Hi Kido")
cls.class1 = HeroDaughter()
print("Hi Princess")
class HeroSon(Hero):
def say_son_hello(self):
print("test hello")
class HeroDaughter(Hero):
def say_daughter_hello(self):
print("test hello daughter")
testson = HeroSon()
testdaughter = HeroDaughter()
The result is
Hi Kido
Hi Princess
We inherent Class Hero and as a base class, and we can implement method depends on the input type in base class.
In the method of say_class_hello
can identify which subclass calling and execute different function programing by ourself.
More About This Example
Furthermore Adding the following line to the beginning of the
print 'haha'
class tt(object):
def __init__(self):
print 'into init'
self.a = 10
def stamethod():
Execute again
root@ubuntu:~/lab/python/classmethod# python
in static
in klassmethod
You will see the result, when import cst the claim outside the class will be execute. Be careful about that, it will affect the performace alot, so clean it.